Tuesday, September 22, 2020

bridge valley camp recount

 on a cold sunny morning year 6, 7 arrived at school ready and packed for a four-hour drive that mornib=ng we were going to bridge valley in wakefield. I put my bag in the trailer full of other bags. Everyone walked to there vans and choose their seats. the people in my van were Aaron, Harlem,gus, luke, Kaiden, Keil, Bella, Clara, Tahlia, Taj, and zakaia.15 minutes later we set off. As Kriston turned the sounds up the whole way we say to the music. We stopped for toilet stops an hour later we arrived at Murchison's park we all sprang out of the van a ran across the road.sitting under a tree bitting on a yummy sandwich, after the 20 minutes was an up we all got back in our vans and set back on the road. singing along to the music,we started to tell jokes even secrets I look out the window and saw sheep, cows, wood all sorts of stuff.1 hour left Kriston Yaya yelled out everyone.1 hour later we arrived at bridge valley everyone jumping off their feet cant waits a little bit more. I grabbed my bags from the trailer and walk to take a peek around the corner Clara screamed everyone ran to what it was everyone could not believe their eyes a massive playground, a big lake/pond, water slides tramp,, golf course, and amazing activities. we sat down on the court and qe introduce himself and Meka , Clara,katlyen, Tahlia, Eden walked to are rooms.on the right miss Farr says ok we say. we ran into the cabin jumping with excitement after ten minutes we got called over to the court qe said its time for your first activity we got split into groups, we got told what we were doing the first activity was orienteering are adult got givin the sheet with the answers on it and we got a map to find the numbers. we found all of the numbers and went to our next activity.it was saving Jolan.it was tricky we had to not put Jolan on the ground and carry him on the stretcher. we finish that activity and went to have dinner. after dinner we had supper then went to bed.

day 2.the next morning I had toast for breakfast and got dressed for a fun day. my first activity was the Burma trail. we had to wear masks over our eyes and walk in the bush holding a rope. that activity was super fun.

are next activity was laser tag.I was on the red team we won two games, the blue team one one game. after laser tag we had low ropes. one thing I did not like was it took forever everyone keeps falling over or wasting are time and not doing the activities.

day 3.on Thursday the activities we did were team initiatives we had to pull a rope and trust are teammates while we hold the rope and they climb up the rope and try to get an item. after team initiatives we did fire and damper we lit a fire and got a stick and put are down on it and cooked in then put cinnamon on it.it was delishos.then it was abseiling jari went first then me then lucy and the other people.it was scary I thought i was gonna die and fall but qe said he had another rope connected to me. after I went down I had a second turn.that 2 times I was more confident. after we did kayaking I end up jumping in the pond the best part was when fliped slades kayak Tahila and Slade had the fight to try to push each other in the water. after we clean are self up and walk over to the archery. i shot the yellow but I was not close to the middle at all. the gong rang so we walked over to the court it was dinner time after dinner we had a concert my team did a dance we did savage.then went to bed. 

day 4 (last day)we got up packed our bags ready to go home we meet on the court and qe played fresh a game that he tort us after we finished the game we had a snack and said goodbye and went in our vans and drove off. we were ready for an annoying trip home.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Refugee camp


my class has started to do something new.every Friday we get a topic we have to research. this week's topic is the refugees camp.  at first,i had no clue what my teacher was taking about because I have never heard of it but in the end it was fun

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Japan research:):):):):)


   Toyko formerly until 1868 Edo, city and capital to the metropolis and of japan.


Japan is at the head of Tokyo Bay on the Pacific coast of the central Honshu. Early Japanese culture was heavily influenced by China. However, during the Edo era, Japan closed its doors to all relationships with the outside world.

Sports they play 

The most popular sport in Japan is baseball , football, tennis, wrestling japan started to play sports in the  1870s.

geography and history

the two first Europeans to reach Japan in the year 1543, they arrived on the  Chinese ships.japanese has deep affection to nature because of the deep running spirituality of Shinto. religion in the country you will find that most Japanese will have a deep appreciation and affection for nature. japan is located in the northwestern ring of fire on multiple tection plates japan is an archipelago with the almost 6.852 islands only 4 islands out of all of them make up the majority of Japan's land area. the highest point in the mount fuji, which stands at 3.776m or 12,388ft.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Amazon River

this Is my amazon river that we had to do about a book called the amazon river.

EC Exploring the character

today we had to write about the characters of max the mighty.