Thursday, July 8, 2021

5 top NZ


kia ora today we had to finish off our work. We had to find 5 jobs that we will be good at. After we had to write some facts about them. After your done that we had to post it on our blogs.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

octupus writing

Octopuses are sea animals famous for their rounded bodies, bulging eyes, and eight long arms. They are very talented animals, they can squeeze through tight spaces and they are known for finding their ways through mazes, problem-solving, and unscrewing lids.


The life cycle of an octopus has four stages of egg larva juvenile and adult and even some octopus die after mating.  A life- cycle is when they get born then grow into adults. For example, it starts off as egg- Larra - juvenile adult.  It is a unique under-sea life cycle where the male dies within a few months of mating and the female dies soon after hatching the eggs, The size of an octopus varies spending on its genus.


Overall octopuses are very amazing creatures!!! 

Thursday, June 10, 2021



kia ora today we did art we only had about 2 hours to do it. It's very tricky but comment down below if you have any questions.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

EC word of week


Kia ora, today we had to do the word of the week check out mine to find out more.

word of week


kia ora yesterday our class well some people did there word of the week 

Monday, June 7, 2021


Kia ora today, we had 15 to 20 minutes to do a DLO about suffixes. Before we started our DLO we got a scrap piece of paper and wrote down as many suffixes as we could. I got 10 suffixes the only suffixes that didn't get called out were brightest and that's the only one I had and flattest both of them were not called out. Make sure you check out my blog for more.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

word of the week


kia ora blog buddies, how have you all been sorry it's been a long time since iv did a blog post but anyway hope you all our happy as you can be.
Toady for spelling whenua had to do their word of the week. This week the word is Haughty if you take a look at my blog post picture you will see more about it. Thanks for reading have a great day.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

board game


kia ora, how is your week been so far?
Today we had to finish off doing our ANZAC work. We have to finish our 28th battalion stuff
and our 9 learning tasks and create task. Fingers cross I try my hardest and get it all done and dusted.
So today I needed to finish off my 9 learning tasks. One of them was that make anything that you can play or something like that. So as you see there is a picture of what it looks likes and you might be wondering what is the green, yellow and pink paper, so the yellow card means they do say something on the back if you look closely you can see something written on it, but anyway the yellow card is used for when you roll the dice and it lands on the square it would say pick a yellow card or a green card. The yellow card says on the front it says yellow card then we you flip in on the other side it will say go back to whatever number it says, so basically it's all about not trying to get the yellow card. Now on the pink ones, the pink ones are the answers to the green cards, the green cards have a question on them you answers it then look at the pink card and it will tell you the anwers. So I hope you learnt something about my board game,  there is also a dice involved in this game.

Monday, April 12, 2021

kenning peom


                                                                     grass- eater
                                                                     fast - walker
                                                                     water- drinker
                                                                      small- head
                                                                      big - ears

       Today we had to make a kenning poem about anything we wanted to do. Let's play a game, try and guess what my kenning poem is about hint (animal). Comment what you think it is have a go.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

solar panle work


                                                 Kia ora, it's Emily, are you having a great day so far well that's amazing. Anyway today we had to finish off doing our projects. First off we got a roll of cardboard and it out evenly, we only cut out three equal pieces. After we cut the pieces, we started to cut and write on them what the classroom name it was. Here's some reason why we had to make a project like this. So first of we all learned as a class about energy, we have been working on energy for about 3 or 4 weeks I'm not quite sure about how long were been doing energy, but we are doing more about energy soon but we are still doing energy for another 4 weeks. So make sure you check out our blogs for more. There is a learning tab we go one to follow and we know what to do so we can just look at it and not even ask the teacher what we have to do so it saves Miss Farr a lot of time to do her own work, and we can just crack on with our work. I clicked on the tab and knew straight away that I need to do this and this so after I was finished, doing my task, it said I had to make a project with things around the school, so I did. Thanks to my amazing buddies Tahila and Harlen for working with me and having a great time. bye have a great day.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

health benifits


kia ora today we had to run to 4 js and back. 4 js is a shop, we had to make a DLO explaining why exercise is important. We are competing with another class in the school and whoever does the best work gets 500 house points and 2 little blues.

Monday, March 29, 2021

letter to the PTA

 kia ora PTA, I'm Emily today I'm writing to you because I think paora school should have a rock climbing wall. I think it will be a brilliant idea because it will improve your flexibility and your strength.

Why should we have a rock climbing wall at school??

having a rock climbing wall will bring people being more interested in rock climbing and you can practice your balance it will give heaps more people something fun to do. It's good for your fitness your mind, doing something new can take bad thoughts off your mind.

what uses is it to people?

There could be a person that comes in every day to do rock climbing lessons and having races to the top and back.

what will it help with?

having access to a climbing wall, and using it leads to a marked improvement of physical literacy in terms of balance, agility, and coordination. climbing is a great form of exercise with many health benefits

 In conclusion, I think paroa school should have a rock climbing wall. It will put more smiles on faces l, it will give the students some new to do. It will help everyone build confidence when there climbing. Rock climbing can teach you skills in how to properly rock climb.

kia ora today we had to finish doing our letters about whatever people picked. We had to research about it and put it in our books them write it up on our blogs. I learned to never give up and never stop trying and it work I learned that do rock climbing can clear your mind.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

word of the week


Today , whenua word of the week was Aesthetic. We had to write what it said and research about it. If you read my word of the week you will find out what aesthetic means.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


For about 2 weeks we have been learning about energy, there are about 6 activities to do. One of them was to answer the questions about energy. There was a video we had to watch to find out answers. The video was very cool and interesting

Monday, March 15, 2021

Enegry vocabulary map task

today we were learning about energy and has to do this task and fill it out. We had to pick a topic ( electrictey related) and put your word in the middle part and right out it and write facts in and read what it means to do.

pod cast about enegry

 Yesterday Jari and I had to make a podcast about electricity. I was really new to podcasts but after all, it was pretty fun. We wrote down our parts in my book so we knew what we were saying. We were talking about how is energy produces, and where does it come from. It took Jair and me about 4 tries to get in the right but it was really fun. Thanks to my amazing partner Jari.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

moving and running a business


moving and running a business.
Today we had to finish doing our comparing and contrasts.
we had to read a paragraph of the topic and write down about moving and running a business. 
The middle is what our in common so there both trying to save energy and gas and try another way to get to work or travel another way instead of taking the same transport to go to work or town every day.

word of the week


Thursday, March 4, 2021



today we had to finish our energy post. We have an app that we can go to and there's everything that we need to know. On the app that Miss Farr made us for 2021, there was information about what we had to research and what questions we had to use for our post. This is mine and I didn't have any more space so this is all that I got done.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


today we had to finish off our persuasive writing. We had to pick a topic of this app that Miss Farr shared with us. I pick should art be beautiful, I  thought that would be a a lovely idea to pick a nice topic. Everyone else picks their topic and wrote about it. What we really had to do is write it in our books make sure it was BTB ( better than before)
then check if there's capital letters and full stops then post it on our blogs.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021



kia ora yesterday we had to get into our house color. We were learning about energy and how does it work and all of that stuff. We made a google drawing and shared it out to all the green house people ( in our class only)
First, we had to do some research about it but if we knew some facts about energy then we just make a text box and write it in there. we wrote down not that much because we didn't have that much time but in the end at least we go something wrote down instead of nothing. In the end, when the time was up we had to share it with the class (all of the class had to too), the whole class saw it and took some ideas and put them on the board to try and make a big energy board but we didn't get there cause we ran out of time. After all, we did do something thanks to all the people in the green house that put their hard-working hand in and helped.

Sunday, February 28, 2021


Thursday, February 25, 2021

seasonal poem

kia ora today we had to finish off our poems, but today we started a new poem, we had to choose a season and I chose autumn. and this is what I got up to

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

belonging to me peom


Kia ora it's Emily again back in to post another blog post, about my school learning. So today we had to finish doing are belonging to my poem. This is my blog post hope you enjoyed 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

the tree of life

 she held hope in her outstretched hands. knelling gently on the ground, she prepared herself for what she knew she must do. The cool water trickled through her muddy fingers, and the soft, black earth felt comfortingly warm on her palms.

planting the tree of life would mean a new beginning. the opportunities were endless....

felling the Excitement course through her Quivering body she lowered the tree of life into a small hole she had prepared .it was time......

MASSIVE clouds of dust flying everywhere, she couldn't see a thing. The plant that she had, nobody had never seen that before she took two steps back .... swwwhhhh she was gone. landing on her back, back-slapping her back agest the blue water. She was amazed.

  She could not believe her eyes .. a couple of minutes later she was jumping off the cliff, she was filled with a lot of excitement but then she heard a lot of booms everywhere, the water starts to shake a lot. heaps of animals were appearing everywhere the whole world was changing. mountains were vanishing away and bring back amazing light green mountains. she could believe she was holding a lot of power when she had it in her hands she lived such a lovely nice beautiful life in the end.

hope you enjoyed Emily

Today we had to finish doing our tree of life stuff.

and this is what I finished doing not a lot but still amazing. go check out my other classmate's blogs they have done such a great job on there.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

WALT -use descriptive language


It was a really boiling hot summer day when Casey and I were on our way to nelson with our nana. I took a look out of the window when we arrived in wakefield (where she lives)  and I saw heaps of cars everywhere it was really busy everywhere, people walking around traffic lights changing to red then orange then green. everywhere I went, I could smell gas, oil leaking, dusty roads. while we were driving around town I heard so many noises like horns beeping at other people, the worst one of all brack squealing, people laughing, and beers cheerings. After an amazing chill drives around town, we were on our way back to nanas house. Time passed as we drove past a whole bunch of sheep, all I could taste was sheep poo and their stinky FEET.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


today we were doing a task, the task was we had to pick out of miss farrs hat and there were numbers in the hat and she went around the class holding up her hat and, we put our hand in and picked out a number the number, we got we had to look at the tv and see one you got. started off we were doing kawa of care first then Miss farr gave us a task to do. I got number 5 and did a DLO on the sentence  I got. everyone else got a number and had to do a DLO for Miss farr. what we had to do its make a DLO then post it on our blog then write a quality caption. After all, it was fun. by Emily